How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

If you have a dog, you probably know that fleas can be quite a nuisance, especially during the summer. While generally not dangerous, they can cause dermatitis, anemia, hair loss, and tapeworms if ingested. They can also be very hard to get rid of because they can lay up to 600 eggs in their lifetime. … Read More…

Sleeping Dog Pictures

If you have a dog, you’ve no doubt caught them sleeping in cute, bizarre, or completely improbable ways. Somewhere along the line, some of you have captured your dogs in these poses with your camera and have shared your sleeping dog pictures for the world to see. Below are some of our favorite lists of … Read More…

What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?

A lot of owners enjoy giving their dogs human food. Most are aware that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but there are many other foods toxic to dogs of which dog owners should be aware. We’ll make this list as comprehensive as we can, however, we might inadvertently miss a few things. Here’s a quick … Read More…

Premier Pogo Plush Dog Toy Review

Our dog is an avid chewer. She can de-squeak and de-stuff any plush toy we get her in about 5 minutes. So, we’re constantly looking for indestructible dog toys (or at least long lasting). When we found the Premier Pogo Plush Bunny at a local pet store, we were a little skeptical of its claims … Read More…

Is Your Dog Afraid Of Thunder?

Is Your Dog Afraid of Thunder?

Dogs and thunder often aren’t a great mix. Fear of thunder and other loud, unknown noises like vacuum cleaners or fireworks can severely distress our canine companions. The way our dogs deal with the fear of thunder, including barking and hiding, can cause problems that are difficult or annoying to deal with. There are many … Read More…

My Dog Has Diarrhea. What Do I Do?

dog has diarrhea

If your dog has diarrhea, your first instinct may be to call the vet. A dog with diarrhea can usually be successfully treated at home. If your dog is looking, acting very sick, or has blood or mucous in its stool, it is probably best to see or consult the vet first before home treating. Dogs … Read More…

WebMD for Dogs

WebMD For Dogs

If you’ve been reading my sporadic blog posts, you’ve probably noticed that many of my writings involve dog health. That’s because our pup has had a rough year. Being the concerned dog parents we are, we’ve done research to make informed decisions regarding our dog’s medical care. I am amazed that in all my research, … Read More…

The Bright Side of Dog Poop

Park Spark

It’s an annoyance that all dog owners have to deal with when they take their dogs to the park. In many places, by law, they have to pick up the poop their pooch deposits on public property. Most of the time, those little baggies of dog droppings end up in the park trash. Well, one … Read More…

Lifeguard Dogs To The Rescue!

Lifeguard Dogs

Millions of visitors crowd Italy’s beautiful sun drenched coast every summer. That’s a lot of people to protect from the dangers of the water. Lifeguards there get some help from four legged friends. Yes, they have lifeguard dogs. In the seaside town of Civitavecchia, the Italian School of Canine Lifeguards trains dogs to work with … Read More…

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